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LElstow VTP Annotation

  • What does the respiratory mask do?  What kinds of breathing problems are they solving?  When do they wear them?  Why was the child carrying the device rather than wearing them?  I want to know why the girl is carrying it in a plastic bag - they look like they are on their way somewhere - is their destination important to the issue?
  • If the device is connected to a machine - is the machine monitoring their breathing?  I wonder if there is a bit more of the medical detail in here which would help it make more sense.

soil museum-ethnography

The visualization and caption shows an example of how de-contamination happens and its effects on a micro-scale through a literal shifting of the terrain (shifting of the soil). I read this as an attempt by the ethnographer to show how the meaning of toxicity is complex, and the role of the nonhuman (Terrain, soil, plants, clay) in shaping how toxicity is knowable to humans.

Dahake Shilpa VTP Annotation

The artifact talks about processes of decontamination of area where there is thin distinction between forest and farms. Moreover, it furthers the understandings of histories and indeginous knowledge about the contamination and decontamination of the areas. Here, the ideas of toxcities are rooted in the local knowelges and histories.