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The Western Oil and Gas Association is a powerful actor in the air pollution domain especially, from the 1940s up through at least 1988, but I can't tell what happened to it after that.  It may have become folded into one of the other oil lobbying organizations, like the Western States Petroleum Association, but I just don't know, which I think is a bit weird.  It was bas


Chapter 2

Bishop, C. (2012). Artificial hells: Participatory art and the politics of spectatorship. Verso Books. Chapter 2: Artificial Hells: The Historic Avant-gardeIn the second chapter of the book, Bishop (2012) describes three historic avant-garde trends that were influential in the development of participatory arts: Italian Futurism (led by Filippo Marinetti), Russian Proletkult and mass spectacle, and Paris Dada (influenced by Andre Breton).

Deep relation to place

Towards the end of their interview, Brooking Gatewood asks Diane Wilson about her relationship to Point Comfort as a place. In the conversation before, she mentioned that Diane has 120 years of family history in the area -- and how such deep relations are a precondition for successful activism. Her advice is to follow ones "intuition" and get out into the world, not to "stay in air conditioned spaces" and discuss.

SoiferI VtP Annotation: Reading Places

Columbia University purports to be concerned about “blight” in the Manhattanville area (part of West Harlem), the remnants of an industrial past that to the eyes of the university and those it seeks to attract may regard it as outdated, useless, “empty,” and perhaps even aesthetically unpleasing (which is important for narratives of “development”).