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As Kaitlyn and Isabelle write in their annotations, dynamic publishing makes us think about the kind of choices we must make when "opening up" our work together: figuring out authorship when possibilities of revisions and revisitations multiply, grappling with privacy of our data while seeking collaboration and feedback.

Dynamic Publication Formats and Collaborative Authoring- ARGSUMMARY

The authors argued that we need to rethink traditional modes of academic knowledge production and dissemination. They review the linear models through which knowledge dissemination happens in formats like academic journals. In these formats, scholars send the finished products of their work through closed-door peer review processes, where revisions that happen are not transparent to readers and revisions based on public feedback is very limited. The authors delineate several formats- from pre-print repositories, blogs to social networks, as ways to make knowledge production more dynamic.


One of the examples discussed is the use of social networking sites as a model for knowledge creation and dissemination. They discuss the affordances of platforms like facebook such as selecting the circles of audiences for different posts and the ability to receive social and instant feedback on ideas. They explore the possibility of having SNS for scientists specifically, along the lines of or Researchgate where scholars can post their work and the use of question functionality can generate wide discussions. They also discuss the example of Wikipedia.

RabachK VtP Annotation: EthnographiesofEncounter

Lisa Rofel is a professor of Anthropology at UC Santa Cruz. Rofel has consistently brought feminist, postcolonial and Marxist poststructuralist approaches to bear on questions of modernity, postsocialism, capitalism, desire, queer identities, and transnational encounters. She has written extensively about China.  Lieba Faier is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Analytic (Question)

RabachK VtP Annotation: EthnographiesofEncounter

Centering encounter as the main focus of the article, the authors examine how encounter is the very means by which categories such as transnational capitalism, space/place, and human-nonhuman relations emerge and exist.  In this article, the term encounter refers to “everyday engagements across difference.” Ethnographies of encounter, then, focus on the cross-cultural, relational, and uneven dynamics of these processes and exchanges.

RabachK VtP Annotation: EthnographiesofEncounter

Because this is an annual review article, the authors trace the trajectory of how encounter and intimacy have been shaped throughout the trajectory of the discipline. Different terms have been used to think about this particular space, some have included “contact zone,” which theorized the space of colonial encounters in particular. Moving from one type of encounter to another, the authors then think through the term in the context of transnational capitalism. This type of encounter has been based in frictions and processes and unevenness.