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As Kaitlyn and Isabelle write in their annotations, dynamic publishing makes us think about the kind of choices we must make when "opening up" our work together: figuring out authorship when possibilities of revisions and revisitations multiply, grappling with privacy of our data while seeking collaboration and feedback. They also note that this changes how we view an installation in a gallery space: what would an open installation mean? As the authors present questions we must ask when we shift from conventional to dynamic publication modes, they contrast affordances of print and digital media. When shifting our work from the digital PECE platform to a gallery space, materiality has to be reckoned with again. The back-end work of installations would be digital (like this annotation) and constantly changing, and if this dynamic/collaborative back-end work is what constitutes new ways of creating and communicating content, how do we demonstrate that in a gallery space? What expectations would we have from visitors, and how do we graft that back on our digital workflow?

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