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Again, my proposal would be for a game. Perhaps, in the same vain as a telltale game where one focuses on story rather than gameplay but I understand why many would be turned off to this idea. My first insticts is to suggest a film but even that is not without its concerns. I would suggest possibly cutting the book up for quick readable articles, one of the biggest thing that turns people away from reading is the length.


As suggested before I would reccomend possibly making a game somehting in the vain of the telltale series that focuses more on story than on game play and save on resources. However, even with this the idea of game could take a very long time and there is much to grapple with in regards to if these experiences should be made "playable". My instinct is to reccomend a film but  even that is not without its issues. Lastly, I would reccomend cutting up the book and publishing in broad and diverse subject areas in order to make the information touch different bases. 


Each chapter in Animal Intimacies is an exploration of the lives of a different species of animal -- the sacrifice of goats, cows and Hindu nationalism, insider and outsider monkeys, pigs and conservation, and finally bears and “the intersection of queer desires.” The layout represents Govindrajan's methodology to  learn about animals by spending time with them, as well as her response to multispecies ethnography which lose sight of "smallness and singularity."

SoiferI on Willoughby-HerardT, Waste of a White Skin

Blurry forlorn dog in the foreground and a rural plot of land in the background with trees, a tent, and a white man crouched, cooking over a fire. What most caught my eye was the beat-up red armchair. There are only three colors in the image - green, brown, and a pop of red.

SoiferI on Willoughby-HerardT, Waste of a White Skin

The sketch proposes that the text could be presented in the form of an educational module for U.S. and South African children. It also suggests that the text could be presented on an educational online platform with interactive features and a historical archive of photos, videos, etc.

SoiferI on Willoughby-HerardT, Waste of a White Skin

I think the text could lend itself well to a museum exhibit and/or a in-person or online educational workshop for adults. It could also be a podcast series. Any educational module could include mapping activities/sketches for participants on constructs of whiteness and blackness, forms of domination, and the scientific and eugenic practices of the Poor White Study.

Willoughby-Herard: Waste of a White Skin

Each chapter could hold up on its own, focused on one particular aspect of the "Poor White Study" and how it connects to the broader discussion of the global white imaginary and the fear of white racial degeneration. Each chapter focuses on particular parties and individuals involved, including photographers and cartoonists, white feminist uplifters, segregationists,  and labor. The text layout is informed by her approach to critical geography, which strives to complicate the nation-state and analyze transnational processes.