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What photo essays have or could you develop to visualize and share your material, and as evidence for your narratives and argume

As I continue to gather more photos and images, I think one photo essay could be on current photos of Urequio’s natural wells, which are all named and had a use (most have dried up, some have been blocked up, and one or two are being restored). Another idea is for a photo essay representing irrigation of the agricultural fields, and another for the infrastructure for running water. Together, I think these can represent the multiplicity of Urequio’s water infrastructure histories.

What timelines have or could you develop to visualize and share your material, and as evidence for your narratives and arguments

A timeline of infrastructure projects in Urequio could be really interesting to develop. I have some of this information already through interviews, but for many keystone events I only have approximate dates or a year range. Additionally, I am still missing images and videos to encapsulate those events.

What types of PECE essays have you built and how are they evidence for your narratives and arguments?

I’ve built the Urequio Infrastructure Archive PECE essay page, and through trial and error have at this stage build several other PECE essays that I’ve linked to in the primary Urequio Infrastructure Archive page. These are a page for videos of Urequio, photos of Urequio, and key infrastructure events (such as the building of the potable water system).

What PECE analytic structures are you using (or could use)?

I previously used analytics for the literature review in my documents to advance to candidacy; although I didn’t upload a large part of my notes to PECE, I can see the utility in the practice and I think I would do it differently next time. I also currently have the following analytic for analyzing my fieldnotes - 

Who is the lead curator of this archive and how can they be contacted? Who is in the archive design group, how were they selecte

At the moment, the lead curator is myself, Gina Hakim ( In the future, as I gather more materials, I can imagine this expanding as it connects to the work of other people working on infrastructure archives and community members.

What are the stated purposes and goals of this archive?

Currently, it’s articulated in the following way on the archive PECE essay: “What are the ways to tell a community's infrastructural history? This section contains experimentations with the features of the PECE platform to communicate the histories of public goods infrastructure in Urequío.”