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School climate bill of rights: In 2013, Los Angeles Unified School District's Board of Education approved a school climate bill of rights, which offers insight into how school's are conceptualizing improving school climate. Impact of School Belonging: Regional Educational Labratory creating an easy to read infographic explaining the impact of school belonging.


For undergraduates:I am interested in creating a weekly module for undergraduate students with the goal to help them understand school climate, its importance in adolescence, and also how to study school climate using qualitative methods. Learning objectives would include

How does the industry view black people?

Submitted by twlightwolf1 on

In understanding how blackness is viewed by players in online pc gaming, it is imperative to look at how blackness and black people are viewed and portrayed in AAA industry titles. While, these two categories are not always in direct contact, there exist an undeniable connection between games spaces and the games industry, in that AAA titles often set a precedence for what is and is not acceptable for other games. While, there are forms of resistance from entities like Indie game companies, popular AAA titles still work as the hegemonic umbrella which informs the rest of the games market.

Akil Fletcher | Restricted Research Space

My research looks to examine the navigation and expression of black individuals within online gaming spaces, while heavily looking at what forces threaten or allow these spaces to exist. This is because while online spaces may boast a "for everyone" or colorblind ideology, race often comes to be a key factor in how online spaces are shaped.