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Azzara M VtP Analytic on Contaminated Kennel

This image conveys the presence of life and human-animal relationships in a toxic place, a relationality that complicates understandings of toxic landscapes. The image juxtaposes the capacity of life with the "slow violence enacted upon non humans" in a toxic place.

AlbaharShahab VtP Annotation: Charting non-human cartographies in post-disaster zones

This research is a provocative effort at decentering the agency of humans in a world dominated by man and technology. It brings to the fore non-human agents and their reclamation of geographical territory that has been rendered severely toxic to the point where all forms of life ceased to exist. The larger question I believe the essay raises is the constructed fiction of "boundary," more broadly the imaginary political divisions that delineate the nation-state and sets it apart from neighboring states.

AlbaharShahab VtP Annotation: Charting non-human cartographies in post-disaster zones

contaminated is too strong a word in my opinion. Having read your essays and critical commentary I think your argument transcends mere contamination since you hint a synergy between wildlife and the exclusion zone and its envrions

AlbaharShahab VtP Annotation: Charting non-human cartographies in post-disaster zones

Maps will go a long way to support your argument. Move across scales. Not everyone is familiar with the exclusion zone following the Chernobyl disaster, so you may want to include an image of that. Also, from a reflexive perspective, include your movements as you conducted the fieldwork. Chart the cartography of spaces you traversed relative to the Exclusionary Zone. Furthermore, and this is just a proposition, but maybe trace the two charismatic members you focus on in terms of their migrations and movements relative to seasonal and climatic shifts?