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Wishlist 2070 - Danica 1/15/19

rural subjectivities, specifically in the U.S.human-environment interactions, specifically involving phenomenological approaches/attention to sensory perception and aestheticsnarrative narrative narrativehow/when/where certain kinds of knowledge come to be authoritative--and how/when/where/why certain kinds of knowledge are NOT authoritative in some settings when they are in broader society (i.e.


Wishlist 20170: Tim Schütz

Hackers / Hacktivism / Radical Engineers / Hackerspaces / MakerspacesHackers and hacker culture caught my interest during undergrad research. First, software engineers appeared interesting as ‘epistemological others’ who could actually assemble and take apart hardware/software, instead of writing media studies research papers about them. Second, it was an exploration of the digital infrastructures, online subcultures and practices of sharing that I had myself grown up in, but also seemingly matured out of.


AO Wishlist 2070

  • Collaborations (e.g.
  • Post/de-colonial/"ethical" research practices (as relates to hyper saturation, representation, fatigue; research equity/ethics/responsibilities/obligations, etc.)
  • African technology development, esp. data
  • Scholarly infrastructures, esp. addressing inequalities in access, opportunities, circulation of knowledge outside of elite expert communities.