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Perversion Is Us

"It is a set of notes, excerpts from clinical reports of my own, literary essays, psychoanalytic theory, notes accompanied by commentary, free association, developed thoughts, fragments of theory - a form that will mirror and predict my topic" (826)"Anxiety, Harry Stack Sullivan is said to have said, is like a blow on the head - it stops you from thinking. To write a coherent essay, you have to think in a straight line.


Questions & Quotes

826 - “Perversion in the context of multiplicity and discontinuity is a discursive construct that, when examined, begins to fall apart so that we must wonder: why do we still talk about it?”827 - “Perversion may be defined, after all, as the sex that you like and I don’t.”833 - “The analyst needs her theory of perversion (if this is a concept she requires in order to think about sexuality), but she also needs to know both what she feels about perversion—its affective meaning to her and the values embedded in that meaning—and what those perverse practices mean to her patients.”857 - “What, a


Learning about/from psychoanalysis

“Perversion in the context of multiplicity and discontinuity is a discursive construct that, when examined, begins to fall apart so that we must wonder: why do we still talk about it?”“Anxiety, Harry Stack Sullivan is said to have said, is like a blow on the head—it stops you from thinking. To write a coherent essay, you have to think in a straight line.


Perversion Is Us?: Eight Notes

"In a way, notes make an end run around anxiety. And anxiety shows up a lot around sex. You may not agree with Bronski’s (in press a) assertion that “everyone likes . . . slasher films where sex and anxiety are bound together and released in the spattering of red fluid,” buthundreds of millions of box-office dollars can’t be all wrong. As Sallie Tisdale, a Buddhist whose Talk Dirty to Me (1994) made Newsweekheadlines several years ago, wrote, “the merging of two into one in orgasm, this blending of identity, combines bliss and anxiety in astrange stew” (p. 281).


Burn it down

God carried away writing these up in Word, highlighting the best phrases, then lost all the drama and yellow in the copy/paste. Sad day.“Perversion in the context of multiplicity and discontinuity is a discursive construct that, when examined, begins to fall apart…” (826)“Anxiety…is like a blow on the head—it stops you from thinking. To write a coherent essay, you have to think in a straight line.
