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Questions, Quotes, & Summary

In this article, Hook (2020) argues that Lacan provided theoretically valuable ideas to Fanon’s decolonizing project. “In short, then, Lacan’s influence on Fanon cannot, I think, be limited to stressing the multiple historical factors underlying colonialism, although the latter remains of course crucial in countering the psychological reductionism of much of psychoanalysis” (310). Hook is useful beyond the constraints of his temporality and geography. Hook works diligently in this article to avert marginalizing or diminishing the work of Fanon.


Fanon-Lacan Conversations

"That being said, we are routinely warned about overly psychoanalytic readings of Fanon just as we are told that postcolonial readers "overstate the importance of the psychoanalytic strand in [Fanon's] work". What, however, if there is more of Lacan's influence in Fanon than had previously been thought?" (1)"In a more pointed critique of Lacanian theory, Kelly Oliver insists that Lacan's conceptualization of subjectivity "presupposes a privileged subject and cannot account for the subject of oppression." Lacan, moreover, is guilty "of theoretical moves...
