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PardoDiana VtP Annotation: Toxic archives

The picture does not have an extensive caption, yet it is powerful in itself. It makes me think about the accumulation of evidence, dusty boxes, waxed floors, and unexplored files. I am not sure whether the picture says something about toxicity —it would require the author to guides our analysis with an extensive caption. 


PardoDiana VtP Annotation: Toxic archives

The caption suggests archive as a place—yet it does not develop the idea. Why is it a place? What kind of place? How is the image inviting viewers to see it as such? Are we talking about a particular material archive (e.g., a particular Californian archive)? Or archive as a historical figure?I like the idea, and the image is evocative – but the caption needs to do more work.


PardoDiana VtP Annotation: Toxic archives

There is no information on this aspect. I suspect that this image was taken by the author. I like the composition: the tension between a full and empty space, clean and dusty... I also feel that the image suggests that the boxes of documents produce a clearly defined path…  It also reminds me of images that I have seen that refer to cold cases.On boxes, archives and (a)historical events: Marisol de la Cadena’s book, Earth Beings. She has a wonderful chapter on this: Story 4: Mariano’s archive. The eventfulness of the ahistorical. 
