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Rachel Lee: Quicksilver's Legacy

The critical commentary offers quantitative data re acres of rainforest destroyed (that which appears to be immediately represented by the photo) and 40% of population affected by mercury contamination.  There are no people in this photo, or in any of the photos.  Is that deliberate?  Is the idea not to put a human face on the toxicant contamination b/c it's too 'sentimental' or 'invasive'?  This contrasts the Minimata photos of the clawed hand.  Part of me wonders why there's an avoidance of representing the toxicity as embodied in the people--the miners: it this b

Peter Chesney: Quicksilver's Legacy

For this photo, I'm taking a more general approach and ditching the questions. The image hardly seems to do anything that the second image does not already do. I'd be curious to see any visual evidence of this rate of mercury dumping which so thoroughly surpassing what occurred at Minamata. Do you have any photographs of people downstream suffering health effects of this region's ecologically devasting mining practice? Conversely, your discussion of the market for gold makes me curious to see the gold in use.

Analytic (Question)