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Natasha Raheja: Toxic Periods

Contested Beginnings, Disorder. What is the order of events? Are there linear orders at all? This image collage proposes a range of beginnings: the exterior or the interior? the empty street/the militarized street or the home, the covered or exposed body? The straight lines are misleading, for so called "riotous" events collide and intersect in a curvilinear fashion. 


Natasha Raheja: Toxic Periods

Contested Beginnings, Disorder. What is the order of events? Are there linear orders at all? This image collage proposes a range of beginnings: the exterior or the interior? the empty street/the militarized street or the home, the covered or exposed body? The straight lines are misleading, for so called "riotous" events collide and intersect in a curvilinear fashion. 


Natasha Raheja: Toxic Periods

There is a spatial depth in each of the images in this collage and their scales shift form micro to mezzo. The left to right diagonals in nearly each image take us from the foregrond to the background. There is a bright illumination of the night in two of the images that is nearly blinding. 


Evan Hepler-Smith: Toxic Periods

This image presents an argument for understanding Watts as a process, not an event, unfolding over an extended period of time (how far could we meaningfully stretch it and weave it). Nor is this history invisible -- powerful images that tell it are there to be found, if you just get outside the assumptions of event-based historiography. Some pretty important arguments about environmental toxicity run in a similar direction, e.g.


Shannon Bae: Toxic Periods

This image  captures several spatial and temporal scales expanded upon in the image description, effectively showing arguing that Watts 1965 was not a singular event over the span of a few days, but rather what he calls a "toxic period." For those who are less familiar with the events described in the explanation that preceded the event more commonly understood as the beginning of the "race riot," it might be helpful to expand on how they are connected. 


Shannon Bae: Toxic Periods

This image  captures several spatial and temporal scales expanded upon in the image description, effectively showing arguing that Watts 1965 was not a singular event over the span of a few days, but rather what he calls a "toxic period." For those who are less familiar with the events described in the explanation that preceded the event more commonly understood as the beginning of the "race riot," it might be helpful to expand on how they are connected. 
