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Transformative Practices in California Prisons

Last Revision Date
Critical Commentary

We know that those who are at risk of becoming incarcerated are often impacted by trauma. Additionally, we must keep in mind the significance of environmental stressors unique to prison conditions, such as isolation, punitive sanctions, and severely restricted and deplorable living conditions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the third leading cause of death in U.S. prisons is suicide, exceeded only by natural deaths and deaths from AIDS. California prisons have the sad distinction of having the highest suicide rates in the country. Community-based in-prison program providers play a critical role in the lives of incarcerated people by providing healing and transformative programs, a bridge to the community through community leaders, and a safe and secure space within the confines of incarceration. Beyond the healing that happens in programs, programs and program providers provide connection and hope in an otherwise seemingly hopeless landscape.
