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Ecuadorian extractive model.


Bravo, Andrea. 2020. “Waorani Notion of Living Well and Its Contemporary Challenges along Oil Roads.” Doctoral thesis dissertation, University College London.

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Critical Commentary

These pictures were taken in the Waorani territory during the last years of Correa's government 2015-2017. On the left-hand side is a slogan 'Ecuador ama la vida' (Ecuador loves life) which was part of a campaign for promoting Ecuador as a touristic place, highlighting its biodiversity. On the right-hand side is a sign that promotes quite a different discourse, it reads 'El Petroleo mejora tu comunidad' (Oil improves your community), it was part of a campaign directed towards communities located along oil roads, to promote the "social benefits of the oil business".  Ecuadorian extractive model is contradictory in many ways, at a discursive level it highlights social investment and biodiversity, but in practice, it promotes the expansion of the oil frontier while its social and environmental damage remains unaddressed. The current government has reduced public oil-related propaganda, however, the extractive model continues its expansion in the Waorani territory. 
