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Created Image: Hegemonic Heteronormativity


Shao, Jianmin. 2018. “Created image: Hegemonic heteronormativity.” In Toxic Masculinity, created by Jianmin Shao. In Visualizing Toxic Subjects Digital Exhibit, curated by James Adams and Kim Fortun. The Center for Ethnography. March.

Last Revision Date
Critical Commentary

This image was created by two different pictures online to demonstrate how heteronormativity signifying the masculine way of "doing" family (i.e., protecting traditional nuclear family for benefits of the next geneation) creates marginality for sexual minority individuals in Taiwan who desire family diversity and alternative ways of "doing" family. On the top, a group of men bringing their wivies and children to a gathering with the purpose of advocating traditional nuclear family values and devaluing family diveristy and gender inclusive education.  On the bottom, results showed that right-wing ideology prevailed in the nearest referendums in Taiwan, with voters rejecting same-sex marriage and gender inclusive education. 

Design Statement: I selected and combined these two images to reveal the hegemonic heteronormativity, a concept originated from queer theory.

  • This image reflects the masculine way of "doing" family--that is, stablize traditional nuclear family through the claims of protecting children while marginalizing and delegitmazing diverse forms of family. 