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TurnbullJonathon VtP Annotation: How does this visualization (including caption) advance ethnographic insight?

The definition of anti-landscape is interesting and novel to me. As a concept, it is applied very well to the corresponding image. The sentiment/message/argument of the visualisation and caption seems to be to point out the eeriness of toxic landscapes whereby they become unusable by humans, although they must be managed by humans; inferring a presence in the landscape, but one at a distance that allows it to be safely absent. The signpost in the image (which is highlighted in the text as elusive) draws attention to the colonial and dispossesive nature of toxic landscapes well. This is somehow complimented by the choice of black and white, which hints at how toxic things and legacies are hidden and obscured using technology and language. This choice works well aesthetically with the materials in the image.Perhaps because I can't use the system very well, I would like to see a bit more context about the image: where is it? What happened there? But I'm sure this is in the project description (which I can't find using the links in the excel sheet!!)

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