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Tannya Islas: Mapping Detention and Toxicity 2

When first seeing this image I am one enranged/annoyed/frustrated. The violence against undocumented people and the racist policing mechanisms that incacerate them become invisible and are obscured as one views an image that could be a craiglist add for an apartment buidling. The toxicity becomes clear in the spatial removal of undocmented people from a metropole. The California desert becomes a mechanism for control and isolation. Additionally, as stated, the lack of bodies and context makes the images and the policing mechanisms in which these images represent seem rather benign. It makes one ask, who are the imagined spectators of these images? I am reminded of Timothy Pachirat's Every Twelve Seconds, in which he complicates Jame's Scotts notion of state power by bring into question the ways in which the state functions and garners control through lack of transparency. Here, the lack of transparency functions to create erasures, particualrly erasures of violences, to conjure an image of humane domesticity. 

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