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SoiferI VtP Collaboration Biography

My thoughts at the moment are a bit scattered, but I do think that we should take heed of Roxanne Varzi’s comments regarding the fact that last year’s posters had too much text. How might we create a project that is ethnographic without the overwhelming amount of text? How might we visualize in a manner that speaks to the subject at hand for itself in some way, without toxic propagation? I am also curious how we plan to separate out the various questions for the project, as I imagine there is much overlap. What are we trying to achieve by these separations? In addition, after reading the “Dynamic” article we were assigned, I wonder how we might make our installations dynamic? I'm curious as to whether making the project dynamic would translate to greater collaboration between projects, and whether they are intended to increase the interactivity of the installations. How might we make these installations more interactive (or not) based on the critiques by Claire Bishop in Artificial Hells?  What are the ethical considerations we should make when engaging in this sort of installation?

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