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Imagining Spatial Stories, Panel 1 AiT 2020

Scott Jung seems to be telling a story about making a place online for oppositional work (by bureaucrats) that needs to stay out of view.Rose and Benedict want to tell a story that prompts an imagination for decolonized computing…   They see this as work toward “regenerative narratives” that helps us imagine decolonized futures (referencing Octavia Butler, et al and Horkheimer & Adorno, 1944)... that work  toward “right relations” that are/include reciprocal relations, companion planting, et al. Dijia Chen has a story about the emergence, decline and remembrance of a stimulating, creative space online (ABBS), within other spaces -- broader media spaces in China, the space of academic architecture.  The forum as a democratizing force that welcomes pluralism. Ben’s story is about building spaces within spaces -- oppositional spaces within hegemonic ones -- spaces where “the hack” can happen.  This reminds of the work of scenographers -- who build performance spaces -- turning spaces into resonant places (as in Ethnography By Design: Scenographic Experiments in Fieldwork).  

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