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PURPOSE:I believe it is becoming increasingly important to share academic research not only with academics, but also with stakeholders and the broader communities of which we are a part. In an era where there is a rejection of science and generation of "alternative facts," transparency in the research process has become critical. Through my dissertation research, I will make an effort to broadly disseminate my work with the academic community and beyond. Below are some ways in which I anticipate that disemmination might take shape.DISSEMINATION:AcademiaLet's not joke around, publishing is important - particularly as a student. I believe my work will speak primarily to the STS and HCI communities, but will also be of interest to those in anthropology and potentially sociology. Here are some conferences and journals in which I will aim to publish:

  • CHI - The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the most prestigious in my field. Though it is a conference, articles published in CHI are often given the same prestige as a journal article.
  • CSCW - ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work is a smaller (but growing) conference that explores the intersections of digital technology and work.
  • AAA Annual Meeting - The American Anthropological Association's annual meeting is a premier conference for distributing research amongst other anthropologists. 
  • Theory, Culture and Society - 
  • Social studies of science - 
  • Science, Technology, & Human Values - 
  • Issues in Science and Technology - 

          Research StakeholdersThe data generated in this project would not be without the collaboration of various stakeholders. As such it is important to co-analyze and share the materials generated during the research process with these stakeholders. Some ways in which I could share are:

          • The PECE Platform
          • Sharing pre-print research publications and soliciting feedback / co-analysis sessions
          • Continued engagement with online communities
          • A YouTube channel, as my project started by leveraging YouTube videos for exploratory research

          BeyondFinally, it is important to share this work with individuals outside of academia and the immediate research project. Some ways in which I could share are:

          • The PECE Platform
          • A museum exhibit in a children's science museum
          • Interviews or editorials in popular media
          • A short film
          • Twitter (though I'd rather not)
          Last Revision Date
          Critical Commentary