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EversClifton VtP Annotation: [FallArmyWorm]

This visualization articulates how the Fall Army Worm, its effects, and 'solutions' to it are discursively constructed, and thus imbued with power relations. Agrochemical manufacturers make use of authoritative signification and combined with government support influence smallholder farmers. A profit-driven agrochemical relationship is legitimized. However, there is a scientific discourse that contests any need for a chemical response to the Fall Army Worm. The ethnographic insight I realised through the image and caption was a better understanding of how smallholder farmers are situated at a compromised juncture where their livelihood intersects with a powerful profit-driven, agrochemical, and governmental discourse. The result is the privileging of not only a toxic relationship with the Fall Army Worm but an exploitation of the farmers (and even the Fall Army Worm) as capitalist subjects. The question then is, what would a more just and non-toxic relationship with the Fall Army Worm be like?

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