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Regarding Facebook

  • Here is the website
  • Their "impact" page has videos (that look expensive, are aesthetically very attentively curated) of about one minute each that showcase different areas of impact - like education, girls' empowerment, entrepreneurship, etc., and the videos are in the language of the previously-internet-less location, with English subtitles. These videos could be the basis for analysis of how aesthetics are used by tech companies to produce a certain emotional discourse about Internet as an enabler and themselves a chartiable actors for deserving "under-developed" people. 
  • The page for Free Basics
  • This Wired article discusses the history of the project from its launch in 2013 until 2018, five years later, with links to related reporting and primary souces online, some of which I am linking here as well. The article primarily focuses on business reasons for why the project did not go as Zuckerberg had planned.  
  • This research report by published by advox, a project of Global Voices that is centered on internet rights, has links to publicly-accessible screenshots of the Free Basics app in six countries, as well as specifiic case studies in those places.
  • Another Wired article with a video of the explosion when SpaceX was trying to lauch a satellite for Facebook to expand internet in Africa. 
  • This is a link to the white paper that Zuckerberg wrote in 2013, "Is Connectivity a Human Right?" where he lays out his ideas that internet connectivity is one of the most important challenges facing the world, and how Facebook will address the problem that only about a third of the world's population was connected to the Internet.
  • This 2017 article from the Guardian covers protests in India, where Facebook was accused of digital colonialism. 

A little bit on OLPC:

Some other key groups' websites:

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