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  1. "Communal Lands of Mexico City" - This was created by Sera Tolgey, urban planner and designer as part of her Critical Cartography project, "a repository for counter-mapping." This mapping project focuses on areas surrounding Mexico City, and the transformation of ejidos into private housing estates.
  2. "Datos Abiertos - Registro Agrario Nacional" - RAN is the office of the Ministry of the Agrarian Reform responsible for communal land (ejido) tenure regulation (Source: the REDD Desk). This links to the public information housed on their website, including geographic data of communal land.
  3. "The Object of History: Behind the Scenes with the Curators of the Museum of American History" - This Virtual History Exhibit is linked through with the image of the short-handled hoe, gifted by the family of Cesar Chavez. The history of the short-handled hoe connects to a history of the Bracero Program.
  4. "Mapping LA" - The LA Times' neigh­bor­hood map of Los Angeles County, with individual maps and statistics for 158 cit­ies and un­in­cor­por­ated places and 114 neigh­bor­hoods with­in the city of Los Angeles.
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Critical Commentary