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archive experience - collaboration biography - ali kenner

I've done some stuff...I started working on websites in 2004, with html, Dreamweaver, and Adobe Design tools. For my master’s thesis, I wrote, built, and archived a 100+ page website focused on the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. I have also created and admined nearly a dozen wordpress sites since 2006 and used wikispaces for research from 2006-2013. Additionally, I was a content manager for Cultural Anthropology’s drupal-based site from 2007-2013 and led their website redesign project (2011-2013). I have been a PECE superuser since it launched – especially TAF and my own platform, but I also contribute to DSTS, STSI, and WorldPECE. This last year I have begun to shift my time and energy to Notion, moving my writing, teaching, and personal archive to this platform. I also lead Notion tutorials.I also use Canva a ton; it's probably the third most important platform for our research team. And of course lets not forget social media platforms...

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