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Anthropology in Transit 2020 | Shared Questions

  • MATERIALITIES: How does this panel draw out the material features and infrastructures of place and space?
  • SCALES: How are space and place scaled in this panel? How are bodies cast and conceptualized?
  • ORGANIZATIONS: How does this panel describe the organization, meaning and valuation of space and place?
  • METHODOLOGIES: What methods, ethnographic and otherwise, are being used to work with and theorize space/place in this panel?
  • FRAMEWORKS: What theoretical/political/ethical frameworks are drawn on in this panel?
  • ENGAGEMENTS: Are there openings for collaboration? What (in)capacities exist for more collaborative research practices in this panel?
  • STORIES: What spatial stories does this panel animate and how are these stories cultivated?
  • KNOWLEDGES: What are the spatial knowledges embedded within or produced through the spaces and places in this panel?
  • PRACTICES: What are the spatial practices that (re)produce and (re)claim these spaces and places in this panel?
  • INFASTRUCTURES: What material and social infrastructures are vital to supporting the spaces and places in this panel?
  • TOXICITIES: How is toxicity at play across the problem spaces explored in this panel?
  • EDGES/HORIZONS: How does this panel depict and characterize the edges and horizons of spaces of concern?
Last Revision Date
Critical Commentary